March 1, 2024

AP61-0 Launch!

New Product
By AGILSense Team

Another mid-range K-band sensor ticked off our bucket list! Due to the high interest from our customers, we have launched the AP61, a mid-range, pencil beam radar sensor.

It offers a human and vehicle detection range of 40 and 90 metres respectively, within a 30” × 30” field of detection, in a compact 51 × 38.4 × 11.5 mm package.

When pulsed, it consumes a measly 50mW of power for low power applications.


Some potential applications include:

  • Mid-range speed detection, traffic counting & classification
  • Sports radars
  • Perimeter protection & surveillance
  • Smart street lighting controller


Have a unique application in mind? Talk to our experts at today!